(Español disponible abajo) Unlike car camping, backpacking requires you to take everything you might need for camp and day use in (or on) your backpack. This means being selective with what you bring on your trip in order to minimize the weight of your load. Water is one of the heaviest components of a mochilero/backpacker's load, so an easy way to save on weight and volume is by bringing pre-packaged dehydrated or freeze-dried meals like Itacate meals! All you need to do is rehydrate and you have a complete plant based, protein-rich meal ready to eat in the backcountry! How...
So, you signed up for a Ragnar Trail run this season, you’ve been training and now you’re working on the logistics of your camp setup for you and your team, but what will you eat and what will you actually WANT to eat during your 24+ hours at camp? When camping at the event we recommend that you bring your own food to prepare and eat because while there is food available for sale at Ragnar Trail races, it is not the best idea to fully rely on concessions for all of your nutritional needs. You’ll want to bring plenty of...
After a much awaited arrival, we are happy to announce that our Itacate meals are now available for purchase as of September 2022! We are so happy to be able to diversify the backcountry menu by bringing Latin food to this category! We started with Mexican backpacking food because that’s the cuisine that we know best Our three meals available for purchase are: Charge-up Chilaquiles Sunset Caldo Campsite Lentejas We chose these meals because they bring us comfort away from home, these are the meals that we craved and fantasized about for years when we were in the...